A Timely Word

July 4, 2024

A Timely Word

Saving Current and Future Generations

Amongi Hilder had experienced hard times, making the opportunity to join a Women Empowerment group rather appealing. But when hard times came to her daughter, she struggled to cope.

Hilder's daughters have had rough histories with marriage, having had to return with their children to Hilder when their marriages ended in divorce. She became stricken with grief for her daughters' situations as she continued on in the Women Empowerment group.

During this harder season, while Hilder's daughters were staying with her, a man got one of her daughters pregnant. When the situation became known, the same man denied involvement. Hilder felt the reproach she was certain would come. She couldn't bear that for her daughter so she promised to help her daughter abort the child.

"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.... My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth." - Psalm 139:13, 15, NIV

Thankfully, God's Spirit led the Women Empowerment group leader to teach against abortion because of God's love for unborn children - even in spite of the circumstances.

Hilder's heart changed and she supported her daughter through the rest of her pregnancy until her daughter gave birth to her beautiful baby girl. Hilder loves her new granddaughter and is thankful for the project's teaching on abortion, which according to her was timely.

We praise God for this child's life and pray that His favor surrounds her as she grows up!