Most educational options in northern Uganda lack training in character and spiritual development. Many religious alternatives address spiritual development but ignore the critical leadership skills needed for individuals to thrive. Favor’s Leadership Training Institute addresses both in a blend of in-class and hands-on instruction tailored to produce powerful ministers of spiritual and cultural transformation.
Favor operates a Leadership Training Institute in each nation, through our offices or rented facilities and dedicated trainers. The training meets relevant needs while adding holistic empowerment not found elsewhere in northern Uganda or South Sudan. All our indigenous staff participate in constant training including Bible training, prayer, marriage enrichment, household finances, small business entrepreneurship, and much much more!
As a chapter of our LTIs, our School of Ministry fully equips and enables graduates to preach and teach the Word of God, plant churches, pastor congregations, and train others to enter the mission field. This school is a 2-year Bible college/hands-on ministry program specifically for people wanting to go into ministry! Transformed Leaders to Transform Nations!!
At Favor, we believe community is very important. Through the LTI, we hold pastoral conferences, seminars, government breakfasts, and give discipleship to community groups and public schools. There is a large variety of programs we offer to see the community enhanced and grown with discipleship.