Healing From Addictions

August 15, 2024

Healing From Addictions

After Seven Attempts, The Eighth Time Brought A New Beginning

Bismark from Owalo, Uganda knew he was trapped in a desperate cycle... until the day he heard a message of deliverance on Favor FM radio.

Every morning as Bismark rose from a sleepless night, the dread of what his life had become drove him to wherever he could find alcohol to consume. His garden, normally well cared for, remained neglected.

When he got drunk, his thoughts resumed to the questions he would ask himself:  Whom could he kill, and who was planning to kill him? After making it through the day, he returned home for another sleepless night.

He knew he was trapped, but what could he do? His wife urged him to try finding an answer through witchcraft, but he refused. On seven different occasions, he tried to find freedom at various churches, but felt no lasting change. His harmful cycle continued.

One day, Bismark tuned in to Favor FM during a Trauma Counseling program called "Healing From Addictions"!  The radio program touched his life and he knew he had to change with God's help!

The next morning, his first choice was to pick up his hoe and tend to his garden.

Bismark is now a new man. He and his wife accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and began attending church in their village.

We praise God for healing and transforming lives through the message of deliverance aired on our radio station. Join us in praying for Bismark and his wife and their new church community!