We see His Kingdom come every day only because we pray – individually and corporately. Our Houses of Prayer in Gulu, Uganda, and in Juba, South Sudan were our first operational centers - before offices, schools, radio, or leadership training facilities. Prayer always comes first and then everything else follows. (click here to read about the story of how God brought the war in Uganda to an end through a national prayer gathering in Favor’s earliest days.)
Our House of Prayer ministry teams do so much, from leading morning devotions and noon-hour prayers every weekday to all-night prayer events. They also launch local and rural outreaches and ministries - on the streets, in hospitals, and in prisons. They provide a 24/7 prayer covering for new believers, organize pastors’ fellowships and national prayer gatherings, coordinate local crusades, and help leaders develop their spiritual giftings.
Through these activities and more, our HOP teams serve to bring unity in the community and amongst church and government leaders. Hundreds of believers from communities near and far come to hear from God. National leadership is crucial in order to connect and lead the community to apply the Word together. Miracles and answers to prayer are a daily occurrence. Many people discover Jesus’ love for the first time in these houses of prayer and from the outreaches that they operate.