The Power of Love

September 5, 2024

The Power of Love

In Bishoftu, Ethiopia, 10 field teachers graduated after a 15-day missionary training and equipping and are being sent into conflict zones, motivated by love to reach those who are bound and lost.

Burhan, the interpreter for the training, shared that Favor is bringing the revival and awakening that churches in Ethiopia need because "our churches have been sleeping for [so] long."

Joshy, one of the new field teachers, testified that he has been to various theological schools, but that Favor's is unique and spirit-filled. "I have wasted a lot of years doing nothing, but now I'm ready to do the good works I'm created and called to do in Christ!"

Solomon's testimony is a powerful example of the spiritual shift this training has had on these participants. During a teaching on a Biblical portrait of marriage, Solomon said that in 10 years of marriage he had never told his wife "I love you" because it goes against the cultural norm to do so.

This teaching changed his life and afterward he called his wife to tell her that he loved her! Solomon is now full of joy in the freedom from the strict following of cultural norms.

With many of the conflicts in Ethiopia being political and tribal - especially in the northern Tigray Region - civil war has started and many people have become traumatized. Added to this, the strongholds of Islam and the Eastern Orthodox Church have worked together against other churches.

To face these challenges, we've equipped these 10 new missionaries with how to facilitate trauma healing and Portable Bible Schools and training in church planting, church shepherding, and Muslim evangelism.

These missionaries aren’t seeking fame and fortune. They are desiring the transformative love of God to be poured out in the lives of those they reach!

"But Peter said, 'I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!'" - Acts 3:6, ESV