Simon's and Angelo's Stories

August 8, 2024

Simon's and Angelo's Stories

"The smile on my face tells it all, how my life has tremendously been transformed," said Simon. Most of the other GIFT (God's Institute for Transformation) boys in Juba, South Sudan could say the very same thing.

Simon and Angelo share similar stories: Both boys suffered domestic violence, fled to the streets as a result, collected scrap metals to earn a living, and sometimes had to eat discarded leftovers from restaurants. Both slept under verandas exposed to weather extremes and malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

The most important similarity in their stories, however, is the transformation brought about by the love of Christ that they have come to realize since being rescued from the streets.

When Simon fled to the streets from his alcoholic father at age 9, he also got involved in smoking toxic drugs. After our team found him and began loving, discipling and feeding him while he was still on the streets, he knew his life would never be the same.

“I'm so grateful [to God and Favor] for helping me transform from what the devil wanted me to be to what God has ordained my future to be,” Simon said.

Angelo also expressed gratitude for the love and hope he found through our team in Juba, and proudly announced that he had been selected to receive an award as the best preacher in the GIFT home.