Those Who Have Ears to Hear...

June 20, 2024

Those Who Have Ears to Hear...

From Brokenness to Hearing and Healing

One woman from South Sudan, the other from Uganda - both were broken, listened when God spoke to them, and were healed!

Mama Rose's health began failing two years ago. She was unable to move, walk, or go to most places. She reserved any energy she had for going to hospitals across South Sudan, to find answers. All the doctors she visited couldn't find the cause for her illness.

As a last resort, she traveled all the way to Khartoum, Sudan to visit another hospital she believed had a better chance of helping her find answers. The doctors discovered that she was suffering from a disease affecting her vertebral chain, explaining why she could hardly move. There was medicine to be had, but before long, war broke out in Khartoum forcing her to return to Juba, South Sudan.

Mama Rose's condition grew worse. One day, though, she tuned in to Favor FM and heard a man preaching. Immediately, she called into the radio station and the man, after learning about her condition, shared Bible verses with her about healing. She believed in God and the man prayed with her for healing.

“Now I am fine and in the best condition," Mama Rose testified. "I can move, walk, and attend social events. I thank God because Favor is a blessing to me.”

"So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." - Romans 10:17, NLT

Adong Kevin had spent most of her 36 years of life in Uganda frequenting bars. Day and night, she drank, danced, and wasted her days.

When Adong suffered a stroke in 2023, she faced a long road to recover basic functionality and senses. She would have relied on her husband, but during this trial he divorced her, leaving her even more frustrated and traumatized.

One day, Adong tuned into Favor FM and found hope again, the strongest she had ever found. Through her process of continuing to listen and seek God, God healed her and gave her a new, God-fearing husband who teaches her the Word of God. Adong said she listens to Favor FM every day because of how it helps her to grow in her new walk with God.

We praise God for how He continues to use the airwaves to heal bodies and bring hearts to Him!