What Next??

June 27, 2024

What Next??

In Step with the Spirit's Plans

Christine was born to a Christian father and a Muslim mother. Out of love for her mother, Christine and her other siblings chose to follow Islam.

Christine spent her whole life in the mosque studying the Qur'an and living in the Islamic faith... until the day she met our House of Prayer team in her village. When we shared with her the good news of Jesus, the power of the Spirit, and the gift of eternal life, she gave her life to Christ.

After the ministers left, Christine grew worried and afraid. "What next??" became the echoing question in her mind. "Now that I'm born again..." The thoughts kept troubling her and she didn't know what to tell her family about the decision she made.

In a land where decisions of faith can sometimes mean life or death in the physical, Christine realized she needed more counsel to safeguard her new faith. So she called us back to share more with her.

"Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7, NLT

We shared with Christine about the Holy Spirit and God's plans for each of His children, and we scheduled time with her for ongoing discipleship. Join us in praying for Christine as she begins her closer walk with God.