Deep Into Africa

June 27, 2024

Deep Into Africa

Answered Prayers in Remote Areas

Across eight nations in Africa, more than 15,000 individuals have enrolled in Portable Bible School (PBS) programs eager to study the Word of God and train as evangelists.

Individuals are eager for this opportunity, particularly in remote and underserved areas. They witness and testify to a heavenly Father who cares enough to reach them and answer prayers where they are.

At the PBS in Kolmarek, South Sudan, Elizabeth shared how she had been having an eye problem that prevented her from seeing well. Knowing a PBS had come to the area, she came one evening for prayer and God healed her eyes! Desiring to dive deeper into God's Word, she stayed and thanked God for bringing Favor to her village.

In most remote villages, people are only able to find an opportunity to hear the Word of God taught on Sunday and have to walk miles to hear it. But through PBSs, which are designed to be adaptable and accessible, the hungry and thirsty souls of faithful followers and unreached people are being satisfied.

Angelina, another student in the Kolmarek PBS, has a son who left home for Juba in 2022 and never came back. Loneliness lingered as her company for the past two years. But the God of all comforts decided to demonstrate His love for her in a special way.

Angelina requested prayers in one of our PBS classes that God would bring her son back to her. We prayed together and that Saturday at midnight, her son surprised her by showing up without any advanced notice that he was coming! Angelina's joy abounded and she praised God.

In our PBSs, students engage in both class learning and practical exercises, preparing them to address the spiritual needs of their communities. Prayer being a foundational element, we rejoice in how our students receive testimonies to share with their communities about how God answered their prayers.

When Regina came to the PBS in Kolmarek, she suffered from painful sores. We prayed with her, and God answered our prayers for the healing of her body. She praises and thanks God and Favor for bringing His Word to her remote village.

As these new missionaries are equipped with knowledge, skills, and testimonies, they are also instilled with a sense of purpose, belonging, and mission. Upon completion of the program, they will be deployed to various regions, ready to preach the Gospel, support local churches, and train others. Join us in seeking the Lord of the Harvest for this ripple effect.