Rising Through the Ranks

July 25, 2024

Rising Through the Ranks

Military Officers Find Freedom in Forgiveness

As more and more communities throughout Africa find spiritual deliverance through our Trauma Counseling (TC) programs, word continues spreading even to those in the government and military.

A few months ago, we had the privilege of having Members of Parliament in South Sudan participate in our TC program (see previous coverage). More recently, our team was invited to do the same with 42 high-ranking military officers at a barracks in Malakal, South Sudan.

General James Mathiop recalled how their community has witnessed ongoing conflict that has led to much devastation in the area - crops were destroyed, livestock were stolen, and women were raped. And with deep resentments left in the wake, cycles of revenge killings began.

"I really recommend this teaching to go throughout this state," Mathiop said. "I will continue teaching my soldiers who have not got this teaching so that we maintain and restore peace in the state."

Major General Simon Doth spoke similarly and thanked our team for bringing the teaching.

"We need to work together for the restoration of peace in this country," Doth said, followed by a request for us to take TC to all the soldiers in South Sudan. "The only way out is this kind of teaching."

Soldiers also received the training and came to forgive their commanding officers. According to soldier Emmanuel Akol, the pressures of the war in Sudan weighed on the military and civilians alike, and the soldiers in the barracks had grown bitter and stressed about how long they had lived in the barracks without being able to visit their families.

"I have chosen to forgive them and wait for the right time for God to take us back and meet our families," Akol said.

Father God, we praise You that in spite of the conflict in South Sudan, You continue to bring many more souls into Your Kingdom. We  pray earnestly for all of the lives and families that have been traumatized by this conflict. Leave no heart untouched by Your healing hand....