Listening in Prison

August 1, 2024

Listening in Prison

When prisoners receive a chance for a new life, the harvest is ripe.

While our team in Malakal, South Sudan brought our TC to soldiers and officers at the local military barracks (see previous coverage), we also brought TC to the local prison.

Of the 96 participants who graduated the class, some remarked how it had been difficult to sleep due to the circumstances of their environment and why they were there.

"I have not been sleeping due to a lot of stress and trauma," Jacob Obur, a participant in the class, said. "Now [these] days I sleep well without bad dreams."

Mark Edward, another participant, told of the relief it was to know there is opportunity for good life after prison.

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them," - Acts 16:25, ESV

One participant found such a deep forgiveness with God, that he is seeking reconciliation with other tribes!

"The reason why I am here is because of tribalism," Chan Augustino said. "This teaching has helped me to build relationships with my fellow inmates who are from a different tribe of whom I used to not associate with, but now we all live in peace [together]. I have also learned to forgive myself and everyone who wronged me."

We praise God when we see our ministry bringing generational transformation to individuals and especially to communities. And when we see people trading tribalism for unity at the feet of Jesus, we rejoice for the hope of everyone experiencing this transformation.